Onscreen title: World War II; 1941
NARRATOR: It took a world war for Keynesianism to bee government policy。 As the ; high unemployment ended; and the Depression disappeared。
NEWSREEL NARRATOR: 。。。 men and women to make the uniforms; machinists to make the guns and ammunition; auto workers to produce the jeeps and trucks; to build the ships and tanks; civilian soldiers to turn out the fighters; the bombers。
NARRATOR: In charge of wartime wage and price controls; John Kenneth Galbraith saw the economy rebound。
旁白:負責戰時工資和價格控制的John Kenneth Galbraith看到了經濟的反彈。
JOHN KENNETH GALBRAITH: One could not have had a better demonstration of the Keynesian ideas; and I think it's fair to say that as a young Keynesian in Washington; in touch with the other Keynesians there; we all saw that very clearly at the time。
JOHN KENNETH GALBRAITH:這是凱恩斯理論的最好實證。我想可以很公正地說,作為當時在華盛頓的年輕凱恩斯主義者-與那裡的其他凱恩斯主義者也有聯絡,我們那時都清楚地看到了這一實證。
NARRATOR: In a radio broadcast; Keynes expressed his hope that what worked in war would work in peace。
JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES: If expenditure on armaments really does cure unemployment; a grand experiment has begun。 Good may e out of evil。 We may learn a trick or two which will e in useful when the day of peace es。
Onscreen title: London; 1944
NARRATOR: Now teaching at the London School of Economics; Hayek feared that Keynes's brave new world was a big step in the wrong direction。 He attacked the growing