前###瓦什利。羅曼希金(Vassily Romashkin):他們在進行了10分鐘的審判之後把我送到了諾里爾斯克(Norilsk),我和我的妻子就此告別了。
NARRATOR: The prisoners' slave labor became a crucial ponent of the Soviet economy。
VASSILY ROMASHKIN: When they took us to work; they'd say; ";Attention; you enemies of the people。 A step to the left or to the right; and we will shoot you without warning。"; A chill went up my spine; and I thought; ";You are the enemies of the people。";
瓦什利。羅曼希金(Vassily Romashkin):當他們要我們工作時,他們會說:“立正!你們這些人民的敵人,只要你們亂動一步,我們便開槍,不會再警告你們的。”一股寒氣襲上我的脊背,我想,“你們才是人民的敵人。”
NARRATOR: The Soviet system of central planning meant that the Kremlin controlled every aspect of the economy。 The aim was to make the Soviet Union strong and self…sufficient。 The Soviet Union became an industrial giant; a military superpower; and a threat to the West。
GEORGE SHULTZ; ; 1982…1989: Russia looked very formidable。 The essence of Soviet power was its ballistic missiles。 They could wipe out any country in the world in 30 minutes' time。 So that's a lot of power。
美國國務聊(1982…1989)喬治。舒爾茨(George Shultz), 1982…1989:蘇聯看起來非常強大,蘇聯實力的關鍵是它的彈道導彈。它們能夠在30分鐘內摧毀世界上的任何國家,那是很強的實力。
MARGARET THATCHER; British Prime Minister; 1979…1990: munism was gaining the world over; gaining by its main methods; military threat from military might。
英國首相(1979…1990)瑪格麗特。撒切爾(Margaret Thatcher),1979…1990:共產主義透過其主要手段——由強大的軍事力量所造成的軍事威脅,正在贏得整個世界。
CHARLES POWELL; British Foreign Affairs Advisor; 1983…1991: We all thought the Soviet Union was still a vast powerful economy; a huge military power; a threat to world peace; determined to extend its influence a