MILTON FRIEDMAN; Professor Emeritus; University of Chicago: What characterized the Chicago School was a strong belief in minimal government and an emphasis on free market as a way to control the economy。
芝加哥大學名譽教授米爾頓。弗裡德曼(Milton Friedman):芝加哥學派的典型特徵是強烈地認為要透過最小政府和自由市場來控制經濟。
NARRATOR: Professors like Arnold Harberger and Milton Friedman taught their students to distrust state planning and government control。 When the Chicago Boys returned to Chile; they brought with them ideas that were a direct challenge to the dependency theory。
旁白:教授們,比如阿諾德。哈勃(Arnold Harberger)和米爾頓。弗裡德曼(Milton Friedman),教授他們的弟子們要打破國家計劃和政府控制。當芝加哥男孩們回到智利後,他們帶來了直接挑戰依賴理論的新思想。
ARNOLD HARBERGER: This small group stayed together through the Allende years。 And they used to meet I think every Tuesday for lunch。 And they would keep a kind of running document which said how they would reform this economy; how this economy has to be reformed; what is to be done to get out of the swamp that they were putting themselves in。
阿諾德。哈勃(Arnold Harberger):這個小團體在阿蘭德(Allende)統治期間就聚在一起,好像是每週二聚一次吃午飯。他們還保留了一份連續的文獻討論稿,記載了他們論述經濟改革必要性、如何進行經濟改革、如何使經濟走出泥潭的各種觀點,他們全身心地投入到了經濟救亡的工作中。
SERGIO DE CASTRO; Finance Minister; Chile; 1974…1982: Unfortunately; due to the idiosyncrasies of the military mind; the generals preferred a controlled economy; that is; an economy that would obey orders。
智利財政部長(1974…1982)塞爾吉奧。卡斯特羅(Sergio De Castro):不幸的是,由於強烈的軍人思想,將軍們更傾向於管理經濟,即,遵守命令的經濟。
NARRATOR: Javier Vial; an influential businessman sympathetic to the junta; was trying to push the military in the direction of the free market。
旁白:賈威爾。維拉(Javier Vial)是一個同情軍人政府的有影響力的商人,努力推動著軍人政府向自由市場轉變。
JAVIER VIAL: So I called Milton Friedman and invited him to e to Chile。
賈威爾。維拉(Javier Vial):