第13部分 (第1/6頁)
第一節 面試官的“好”與“惡”(6)
* In meetings with individuals; outlines responsibilities and standards clearly。 與人面談時, 清楚表明職責與標準。
* Confronts people directly and openly; but discreetly; over poor performance。 直接而開誠佈公地批評別人, 同時也保持謹慎。
* Seeks feedback and considers it carefully。 主動詢問別人對自己的看法, 仔細斟酌。
* Works with others to bring strengths to projects that s/he may lack。 主動和他人合作, 彌補自己在某個方面的不足。
* Considers her/his approach at meetings or in projects to suit needs of others; rather than own preferences。 在開會或做專案的時候, 考慮自己的舉措是否符合他人的需要, 而不是自己的喜好。
* Develops the habit of checking what others are thinking by asking ‘Am I being clear?’ ‘Let me check what you are thinking at this stage’。 養成詢問別人想法的固定習慣, 經常這樣問: “您清楚了嗎?”“讓我聽聽您現在是怎麼想的。”
* Treats the concerns of other departments as important。 拿別人的事兒當回事兒, 重視其他部門的想法。
* Co…operates to meet team goals even at expense of personal preferences。 為了團隊目標, 摒棄個人好惡。
* Fails to recognise or establish different customers’ needs。 沒有意識到不同客戶有不同的需求。
* Keeps customer feedback to himself or herself and does not share learning。 沒有把客戶的反饋分享給大家。
* Treats all customers in the same way。 以同樣方式對待所有顧客。(備註: 你email的口吻, 是否從來不變?是否因為對方是豪放的人而少一分客氣?是否因為對方是謹小慎微的人而多一分嚴謹?)
4。 Entrepreneurship 有開拓型思維
Definition: 這個能力是什麼?
Why is it important? 這個能力為什麼重要?
This is about the ability to formulate new ideas or to adapt or use existing ideas in a new or unexpected way to solve problems; and to think ahead to spot or create opportunities and maximise them。 有創新想法, 或者以一種全新的、 出人意料的方式調整或應用現有的方法解決問題, 而且有前瞻性,能發現並製造機會, 並將機會最大化。
Within the organisation; this behaviour is about making changes that increase the effectiveness of our work。 Externally; it is about increasing our petitiveness。 It is