第24部分 (第4/5頁)
f Geography Education at all; because I have never wanted to be a teacher。 I had chosen Business Administration; Economics and Logistics Management when I applied to Zhongshan University; but unfortunately I failed to get into these hottest majors。 The score I got on the College Entrance Examination was about ten points less than the minimum requirement。 The school allocated me to a cold major; Geography Education; hehe。 Luckily; I could select a second focus。 I chose Public Relations Management to be my minor area of study。 What was that saying? 〃When God closes the door; he opens a window。〃 Hehe。
第七節 外企面試最常見的36個英文問題(3)
點評2: 這個回答似乎很長, 但是卻不得不這麼長。這是一個典型的中國特色, 如果你的分數夠不上第一志願, 學校就把你打入某一個“冷宮”專業去, 而你為了進入這所一流的大學不得不屈服。這種怪現象製造出很多感覺自己比竇娥還冤的“冤男怨女”, 學著“地理教育”卻痛恨從事教師職業, 學著“國際政治”卻連國際新聞都懶得看!這個回答的優點在於: 第一, 向外國面試官普及了一下中國特色; 第二, 強調了自己對商業和管理一貫的熱誠; 第三, 告訴對方其實自己高考只差10分才沒進去最熱門的專業; 第四, 自己是個不輕言放棄的人, 主修學不成用輔修來彌補; 第五, 把上帝拉進來, 顯出你的幽默。
回答示範3: I selected Business English as I was quite good at English back in high school。 Apart from this; my high school teachers remended that I select a major related to business; since I showed some good qualities for business management at a young age。 So; I chose this major; business plus English; two in one; hehe。
點評3: 這個回答強調了自己的兩大優點: 第一, 英語好; 第二, 早在高中就已經是老師心目中適合從商的人。自誇而不著痕跡, 實在是高哇!
5。 What subjects were your favorite? Why? 你最喜歡的課程是什麼, 為什麼?
問題分析: 與中國面試官一樣, 對於應屆畢業生, 外國面試官經常問問有關學業方面的問題。面試官喜歡的申請人, 是對自己專業的優缺點分析得頭頭是道的人。
回答示範1: I liked Marketing Principles and Sales Management because the two courses provided us with the most up…to…date information on marketing and sales; including the origin and development of some famous brands; Pepsi; Nestle; and the local brands; Lining; Wang…lao…ji and so on。 I felt that I already s