第28部分 (第1/6頁)
tion nearby so I may have to take a bus every day。 And I have to be more careful with my wallet and mobile phone; you know; pick pockets; hehe。
點評2: 這是個超級漂亮的回答, 既客觀地承認了任何工作都會有不盡如人意之處, 也巧妙地利用幽默轉移了話題。妙哉!
27。 Tell me what you know about our pany。 說說你對這間公司的瞭解吧。
回答示範1: Actually; what I know about your pany is mostly from the newspaper and internet。 For example; R&F (註釋: 富力地產) is a fast…growing pany; from one project in 1994; to 50 properties today。 R&F Plaza; R&F Peach Garden and some other properties are highly successful。 R&F also has successful business in Beijing and Tianjin; and the international expansion began in 2005 when R&F listed on the Hong Kong Stock Market。 What's more; I was very impressed that R&F donated 14 million Yuan to Jinan University last month。 I think I'd be very proud to work in such a generous pany。
第七節 外企面試最常見的36個英文問題(15)
點評1: 如果你對這間公司的瞭解僅僅限於網際網路上所搜尋到的資訊, 請你像這位申請人一樣滔滔不絕地列舉該公司的亮點, 尤其是最新的亮點, 比如剛開發了什麼新產品, 剛有什麼令人驕傲的業績等。你說得的資訊越多越新越流利, 你的印象分就更高一些。在這個問題上, 展示你的“忽悠”才能吧。
回答示範2: What I know about Kimberly(註釋: 金佰利) is partly from the Internet and newspaper; and partly from my own experience of using Kimberly products。 I am a loyal customer of Kleenex; and I sometimes choose Kotex。 Well; the new product; I don’t know the English name; the fragrant tissue; is really my favorite。 It's a bit expensive; but I can't resist it!
點評2: 避開人人可談的來自網路的資訊, 轉而談論自己對該公司產品的瞭解, 確實棋高一招。
五、 Self…evaluation 關於自我評價的問題
28。 How does your mother describe you? 你的母親認為你是個怎樣的人?
問題分析: 只有外國面試官會這樣提問, 因為他不瞭解中國的國情。在中國, 有兩類母親, 一類母親是傳統型的中國婦女, 從來不會誇獎自己的孩子; 另一類母親是80後的現代母親, 因為只有一個孩子而看不到孩子任何的缺點。在面試中, 你不妨把中國的這種“文化”傳遞給面試官, 以使面試氣氛更加輕鬆有趣。
回答示範1: Well; it’s an interesting question。 It reminds me of a Chinese saying; the best c