

t in the dining room。 She tried to conceal a yawn。 She hadn’t slept at all last night。

“I thought that color would look great with your eyes。 And I’m sure you’ll have so many events to go to next year。” Lily van der Woodsen looked fondly at her daughter from a club chair in the corner of the living room。 Now that Serena and Erik were grown up; they no longer opened presents at dawn beside the towering tree in the living room。 Instead; they opened a few small expensive trinkets; after breakfast。

Serena took a swig of coffee。 In truth; she probably wouldn’t have any events to go to next year in Iowa。 Except maybe poetry readings。

Last night; after her parents had gone to bed; she; Erik; and his fiancée; Fiona; had had a long conversation about long…distance love while drinking homemade cocktails from her parents’ extensive liquor cabinet。 Fiona was a six…foot…tall blond Australian surfer whom Erik met on a beach in Melbourne during his junior year abroad。 She was clearly head over heels for Erik; she was funny as hell; and Serena was glad they were going to be sisters so soon。 After a few drinks; Serena had worked up the courage to ask them if they thought long…distance could ever really work。 Ever since Dan had found out he was going to Iowa; she’d been nervous about how they’d deal with the separation。 Of course; that was when she still thought she had a few years of college left。 But now that she was graduating; she could do anything she wanted。 And all she could think to do was follow Dan; even though they’d never officially talked about it。

What Fiona had said when it came to her and Erik’s relationship sealed the decision for Serena。 “I told him I’d follow him wherever he went;” Fiona had said proudly; without apology。 “And if he was with

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豪門情緣 渣男少爺二貨妻

豪門情緣 渣男少爺二貨妻

關於豪門情緣 渣男少爺二貨妻:片段一:悠悠在大賣場的蛋類專區看著一個小小蛋,眼底裡泛著奸詐的光。次日,午餐時間,悠悠抱著一個便當笑嘻嘻的走到周大少面前,某男一挑眉:“悠二二,你怎麼來了?”“仁哥哥,我是來給你送愛心便當的呀"“謝謝,我不需要,我還事要忙”曉悠瞟了一眼粘在周智仁身上的性感美女“仁哥哥,古人有云:食有時,動有節,就算跟美人“洽談公務”也要記得吃飯呀,再說就算
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