

erena; as if he wasn’t sure if she were real or a figment of his imagination。 “My dreams didn’t lie。 Even when I sleep next to you; I dream about you。”

Serena pulled her hair into a tight ponytail at the crown of her head。 It was sweet of him to try to help; but it was useless。 “I don’t love anyone that way;” she cut him off。 In this scene; Holly was supposed to recognize that the only person she really loved was her husband。 That; no matter what; and no matter how many stupid things he did; he was the only person who could ever make her feel happy and plete。

She sighed and leaned back into the wingback chair。 She wished she; and not her alter ego; Holly; was face…to…face with the man of her dreams。 She wished the wind was blowing through her hair and that she was holding a real drink instead of a seltzer mixed with food coloring。 She wished she was out on a sailboat; in the middle of the deep navy ocean; under the wide blue sky; with him。

She wished she was with Nate。

Serena felt a sob rise in her throat。

“Don’t worry about the scene for right now。 Is everything okay?” Thaddeus asked in concern as he perched on the arm of her chair。

“Okay; princesses; teatime’s over。 Let’s work。 My sanity’s at stake。” Ken rolled his eyes。

Serena stood up; crossed toward the camera; and blinked at what was supposed to be the Hudson River in front of her。 She imagined Nate; far away; on a sailboat; a tiny dot in the middle of the ocean。 She turned her head; her chin grazing her tanned; bare shoulder。 “I love you。 I always have。” She brushed a lock of hair out of Thaddeus’s eyes; the way she used to after she’d hugged a sweaty and disheveled Nate when he’d just won a St。 Jude’s lacrosse game。 “I’d never leave you。 Sometimes I wake up and I 

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豪門情緣 渣男少爺二貨妻

豪門情緣 渣男少爺二貨妻

關於豪門情緣 渣男少爺二貨妻:片段一:悠悠在大賣場的蛋類專區看著一個小小蛋,眼底裡泛著奸詐的光。次日,午餐時間,悠悠抱著一個便當笑嘻嘻的走到周大少面前,某男一挑眉:“悠二二,你怎麼來了?”“仁哥哥,我是來給你送愛心便當的呀"“謝謝,我不需要,我還事要忙”曉悠瞟了一眼粘在周智仁身上的性感美女“仁哥哥,古人有云:食有時,動有節,就算跟美人“洽談公務”也要記得吃飯呀,再說就算
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