第14部分 (第4/7頁)
r chest and glared at Blair。 If Blair wanted a fight; fine; she’d give it to her。 She wasn’t going to let Blair get away with stealing Nate。
“I said;” Serena repeated coolly; making sure to enunciate each word; “What。 Does。 Your。 Boyfriend。 Think。 About。 That?”
“Boyfriend?” Nate asked moronically; looking between the two girls as if he were watching a tennis match。 Blair had a boyfriend?
“I don’t have a boyfriend。 How would Serena know; anyway?” Blair challenged。
“I don’t know; because you wouldn’t stop talking about him the other day? You know; after you spent Christmas with him and all?” Serena said sarcastically。
Nate glanced between the two of them in disbelief。 Out on the ocean with Chips; they could always tell a storm was ing by the change in the air。 It was the same with Serena and Blair。 He could feel a change in the room; as if a palpable electric charge was emanating from the girls’ skin。
“Serena; just get your own fucking life;” Blair snapped。 “You know nothing about me。” Her white Egyptian cotton towel was askew; and blotches of pink appeared on her pale neck。 She looked like she was ready to claw Serena’s eyes out。
“Oh; please。 You think you can just have whatever you want; whenever you want。” Serena’s voice had taken on a slightly hysterical edge。
Instead of speaking; Blair hurled a Mason Pearson hairbrush at Serena。 Because Blair had terrible aim; she missed; creating a dent in the wall。 The brush clattered onto Nate’s dresser and hit one of the sailboat models; splintering it into pieces。
“I can’t do this;” Nate yelled; surprising himself。 His voice echoed in his head。 “You two always fight。 I never should have e back。 I’m leaving。 Don’t look for me。” He grabbed a