

m that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles。 Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new; fine turn to old monplaces。 Faith reinvigorates1 the will; enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness。

Active faith knows no fear; and it is a safeguard to me against cynicism2 and despair。 After all; faith is not one thing or two or three things; it is an indivisible totality of beliefs that inspire me。 Belief in God as infinite good will and all…seeing wisdom whose everlasting arms sustain me walking on the sea of life。 Trust in my fellow men; wonder at their fundamental goodness and confidence that after this night of sorrow and oppression3 they will rise up strong and beautiful in the glory of morning。 Reverence for the beauty and preciousness of the earth; and a sense of responsibility to do what I can to make it a habitation of health and plenty for all men。 Faith in immortality4 because it renders less bitter the separation from those I have loved and lost; and because it will free me from unnatural limitations and unfold still more faculties I have in joyous activity。 Even if my vital spark should be blown out; I believe that I should behave with courageous dignity in the presence of fate and strive to be a worthy panion of the beautiful; the good; and the true。 But fate has its master in the faith of those who surmount5 it; and limitation has its limits for those who; though disillusioned; live greatly。 True faith is not a fruit of security; it is the ability to blend mortal fragility with the inner strength of the spirit。 It does not shift with the changing shades of one’s thought。

It was a terrible blow to my faith when I learned that millions of my fellow creatures must labor all their da

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豪門情緣 渣男少爺二貨妻

豪門情緣 渣男少爺二貨妻

關於豪門情緣 渣男少爺二貨妻:片段一:悠悠在大賣場的蛋類專區看著一個小小蛋,眼底裡泛著奸詐的光。次日,午餐時間,悠悠抱著一個便當笑嘻嘻的走到周大少面前,某男一挑眉:“悠二二,你怎麼來了?”“仁哥哥,我是來給你送愛心便當的呀"“謝謝,我不需要,我還事要忙”曉悠瞟了一眼粘在周智仁身上的性感美女“仁哥哥,古人有云:食有時,動有節,就算跟美人“洽談公務”也要記得吃飯呀,再說就算
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