第51部分 (第4/7頁)
hilosophical goal; but it was not really attainable。 Consciousness was like a pebble that rippled the surface of the unconscious。 As consciousness widened; there was still more unconsciousness beyond。 There was always more; just beyond reach。 Even for a humanistic psychologist。
Stein; his old professor: 〃You always have your shadow。〃
What was Norman's shadow side doing now? What was happening in the unconscious; denied parts of his own brain? Nothing。 Keep going up。
He shifted uneasily in the pilot's chair。 He wanted to go to the surface so badly; he felt such conviction。 。。。
''347'' I hate Beth。 I hate Harry。 I hate worrying about these people; caring for them。 I don't want to care any more。 It's not my responsibility。 I want to save myself。 I hate them。 I hate them。
He was shocked。 Shocked by his own thoughts; the vehemence of them。
I must go back; he thought。 If I go back I will die。
But some other part of himself was growing stronger with each moment。 What Beth had said was true: Norman had been the one who kept saying that they had to stay together; to work together。 How could he abandon them now? He couldn't。 It was against everything he believed in; everything that was important and human。
He had to go back。
I am afraid to go back。
At last; he thought。 There it is。 Fear so strong he had denied its existence; fear that had caused him to rationalize abandoning the others。
He pressed the controls; halting his ascent。 As he started back down; he saw that his hands were shaking。
0130 HOURS
The sub came to rest gently on the bottom beside the habitat。 Norman stepped into the submarine airlock; flooded the chamber。 Moments later; he climbed down the side and walked toward the habi