第29章 《一行人到達重慶》 (第2/2頁)
洪雪兒見燕雙鷹並不理她,轉而又說:"i' rry, i thought you were one else(對不起,是我認錯人了)。"說完,便轉身離開。
"is that clearer now?(這次該聽懂了吧)?"洪雪兒舉起了她手裡的大公報,對著燕雙鷹。
燕雙鷹見狀,也拿起了他的那份大公報:"yes, i t it pletely"(是的,聽的非常明白)
洪雪兒點點頭:"on orders fro the boss, i ca to et chief cheng"奉老闆之命,前來接應程長官。
燕雙鷹皺著眉頭:"why don't you et directly, but you have to beat around the bh?"(為什麼不直接與我接頭,卻要拐彎抹角?)
燕雙鷹“嘖”了一聲,有點煩躁,接著道:"i want to see if i, a pern traed the united states, can speak english, right?"(想看看我這個在美國接受培訓的人,是不是會說英文,是嗎?)
洪雪兒矢口否認:"sir, don't t wrong"(長官你不要誤會)
"e on, haven't we had enough isunderstandgs along the way?"(這一路上的誤會還不夠多嗎)燕雙鷹有些生氣,眉頭皺的更緊。
洪雪兒解釋道:"sir, it's for safety reans we worry there are unist spies around"(長官,這是為了安全起見,怕周圍有共產黨的眼線)
燕雙鷹:“i a cheng tang”
洪雪兒點點頭:lonel hong xueer
洪雪兒接著道:"ajor chen, your aodation has been arrand,shapgba iddle street no16 apartnt"(程長官,您的住所已經安排好了,沙坪壩中街十六號公寓)
燕雙鷹怕再聊下去就要暴露了:"lonel hong, can we talk chese fro now on to avoid any unnecessary trouble?"(洪上校,今後我們是不是可以用中文交談?免得引起不必要的麻煩)