

 in an obscure play at a backstreet theatre。 My part was a real challenge; furiously rehearsed for weeks。

On the second night after opening; I was aware of a strange lack of response from the house。 Believing there was something lacking in my performance I tried a little harder – and harder still。 No improvement。

Only in the interval was the terrible truth revealed: There was no one in the audience。 I was mortified。 To this day I feel the blush on my cheek when I think of myself pouring my heart out – to no one。

I quit acting soon after that。 It obviously wasn’t the right choice for me; if a response was so essential。

By contrast think of an artist like Renoir; who went on producing pictures; day in day out; year after year; decade following decade。 Nothing ever stopped him; no amount of discouragement; poverty or failure。 He painted away; regardless of people’s opinions; in pure delight at his own creativity。

To be an artist merely for the return it may bring is as doomed as entering a relationship only for what you hope to get out of it: warmth; togetherness; intimacy; sex; security; money; status or whatever: The minute the reward is not forthing; it all es to an end。

Love is like art: to survive it has to be genuine; sustained by its own imperative; and never requiring an applause。

A lot of people have a fear of mitment。 I suppose what they really abhor is being dependent; handing over control。 I can relate to that。

What I can’t understand is why anyone should want to control another; especially in the name of love。 For if you attempt it; it leaves the other person with no option but to resist; evade or deceive you; or; worst of all; succumb to your will; in which case their personality expires; and you are stu

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豪門情緣 渣男少爺二貨妻

豪門情緣 渣男少爺二貨妻

關於豪門情緣 渣男少爺二貨妻:片段一:悠悠在大賣場的蛋類專區看著一個小小蛋,眼底裡泛著奸詐的光。次日,午餐時間,悠悠抱著一個便當笑嘻嘻的走到周大少面前,某男一挑眉:“悠二二,你怎麼來了?”“仁哥哥,我是來給你送愛心便當的呀"“謝謝,我不需要,我還事要忙”曉悠瞟了一眼粘在周智仁身上的性感美女“仁哥哥,古人有云:食有時,動有節,就算跟美人“洽談公務”也要記得吃飯呀,再說就算
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